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  1. M

    Juliet Marillier - The Sevenwater Trilogy

    yeah. i read it a few years back and loved it. but i never got to read the third book... couldn't find it ANYWHERE.
  2. M

    Chinese Continuers HSC Tutoring

    wah? girls school and guys school? lol how did that happen? haha thanks. but i'm full it's slightly crap when people in your class have had fully chinse school experience and i'm like reading some....guessing some....relying on pinyin lol.
  3. M

    Chinese Continuers HSC Tutoring

    oh okay thanks haha yeah, the only place i'm learning chinese now atm is random song lyrics etc. i dont get enough of it anywhere else. i can ask my parents, but the most they can offer me is how to write words, or better ways of phrasing sentences etc. they're not teachers and can't guide me...
  4. M

    Chinese Continuers HSC Tutoring

    cough. if only i could actualyl read the newspaper
  5. M

    Chinese Continuers HSC Tutoring

    Chinese Continuers anybody know anywhere good to help with essay writing, etc?