ok thats no good, it wasn't in the top 120 lol but i know for a fact that it is one of the best public schools.
I wanted to ask though, for example in english i came 4th although there were two people on senond hence i got the third highest mark. does that put me in a better position than if...
Survivor just shut up, u came on to show off, so get over it seriousley people like u are warped. oohhh my little traged man if u think thats a tragedy, wake up to ureslef theres a lot more important things going on in this world than ure " tragedy". Wake up and get real. U wanted advice? they...
I'm so not up to speed with all this UAI technical jragon and stuff but i no, u guys have tons of pages of information on it so, i'm not asking for more. I just got back my ranks and i seen as we have to do our preferences really soon i want to start getting real. My ranks and marks are like...
Hey guys jus wondering if you can give me some insight on on my Marks?>
Eng Adv 85 3/20
Anc hist 90 3/35
ext his 85 2/5
maths 79 9/50
ext 1 65 23/39
bus 65 11/50
legal 85 4/40
I really dnt want bus to count , do u think 3 unit will instead? If i end up...
Hey i'v put the rank and mark on this 1 although
the marks i have included are pretty rough because the marks we received on our half yearly we're our half yearly asses marks only not progressive.
my ranks are
english adv 3/20 80%
legal 3/40 85%
buss 10/56 75%...
ok well i go to a public school
my marks would be roughly
english 80
ancient 90
ext 88 -only 1 assesment
legal 85
business 75
2unit 75
3unit 65
the competition is pretty firce we've got a full class of 4 unit students for maths. My...
hey ever1 hope your all cool, not stressing with the upcomming trials. Just out of curiosity i was wondering , because i've been reading other threads and people have had their UAIS predicted, if i could tell u my stats and u could tell me wat u think?
my ranks are
english adv 3/20