omfg best night of my life. the muscles weather changing was surreal. but daft punks opening was so euphoric i couldnt take breaths big enough. one more time sent shivers down my spine and when every1 chanted around the world i nearly fainted. MOMGOGMOGMOG the fuckin...
just finished my version of push - strange world. done by ear with FL Studio 6.
now all i need is the acapella to top it all off lol
Link: (available for 7 days)
in the 2006 mash up the singing is on the "on" beat. but it would sound much...
i found a site for some really good quality acapella's
only problem is the registration is fuckn stupid. and it didnt work for me
and plus they didnt have Stunt - Raindrops lol
oh well maybe im not destined to make this mash
Fruity. Easiest program to use. I...
Any1 here know a good site for Acapella's?
I really need the acapella to Stunt - Raindrops so i can cut it up and mash it with another song that i think will sound really good. or maybe someone even has this acapella?
much Appreciated.
p.s. FL studio 6 rox0rz
my god am i going to see this
and i wanna see 300
and pirates cab
god dam i wanna see transformers tho cant wait lol those big autobots raised me up on cheese tv? or was it cartoon collection? i dunno
this is what i said:
BEGIN ArrayAverage
DEFINE data[1…n]
SET count TO 1
WHILE count<= n
GET data[count]
SET count TO count + 1
SET sum TO data[count]
SET count TO count + 1
average = sum/n
Return Average
END ArrayAverage
does mine do it? this is for 1% of my friggen...
this program is perfect... not worth the 229 US dollars so i went on torrentspy.com and got a healthy discount if u catch my drift man
but yeah this prog pwns its just what i needed. now if there was some one to integrate this into a multitrack view... it would be teh pwnage... wat...
Hey just listened to a mix that a friend made with GarageBand (only for use on mac's) just wondering if any1 knew of another mxing program similar to GB. basically all i need is a multitrack recording studio that supports LIVE CHANGES to tempo and pitch... ive tried (so far)
cool edit pro...
alex u fag lol its ralph y didnt u talk to me on msn ill let u know how. basically u can use winamp + shoutcast (just like u do with ur radio station) but the only catch is that it wont be live. and u need to go thru a bit of encoding so that the video can be streamed. look it up on the...
ive got a nokia 6131 and i wanna see if i can connect it to my home wireless network. im usin a netgear WGR614 v6 wireless router. can i just forward a certain port that the bluetooth uses? or is it more complicated than that (i feel like its the latter of the two...)
good idea man dead set.... the guards cant even enter ur room. haha u can fucken smoke bongs and all they can do is stand at the door and call a steward... who is a lil 150cm tall 55kg bali slave haha (but i loved our one) and he will just come in and tap-sum-bong with ya anyway haha
assuming u mean security... no they dont care... we just got hasseled for sitting in the hallway and drinking... once ur in ur room u can do what u want they have no control. its like ur own home haha they arent even allowed in... and why would they care about fucking... everyone knows schoolies...
ok this is what ive got as my 'final' program... but the last line of output is fucked up...
#include <stdio.h>
#define CAR_RATE 3
#define BUS_RATE 5
#define TRUCK_RATE 6
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define DISCOUNT...
yeah thats at the start... thats calling on the function (validate etc) and if it returns a value of 1, print that the vehicle type is correct... i dont really know what passing means so im gunna nod and smile lol im screwed for this assignment :'(
yeah but they arent numbers, theyre inputs from someone telling the program the type of vehicle they own... what initial value am i meant to give? C = car?
dude im a n00b... ur gunna have to explain to me in people terms lol
1... no idea what u mean
2.. as above lol
3... assuming i should make it = and not ==, i get an Ivalue error or something
4... i need true2 to make a 50%discount for a parking time over 12 hours