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  1. princeza


    ive heard from a few people that ALL uai's in the state are released in the newspaper (SMH or Daily Telegraph) each year...i was just wondering if this is true because as far as i know they are not??????
  2. princeza

    Po-Mo Liberal URGENTLY needed

    lol humanity will reward you for it im sure....or at least my school will because u've gotten them one step closer to getting rid of me :haha:
  3. princeza

    Po-Mo Liberal URGENTLY needed

    absolution* THANK u so much for those notes...i had the basic definition and a few other things but google seems to not like me very much this week as i couldnt find anywhere near enough as you did.....although my rushing through everything because of other subject dramas could have something to...
  4. princeza

    Po-Mo Liberal URGENTLY needed

    thanx for ur help people! probelm solved!! xox