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  1. girlanachronism

    Going to a selective school

    the other thing is, and this applies more in junior years where you're forced to take subjects... they assume that because you're there, you're smart and thus being unable to do something means you're just not trying. this really wasn't the case for me with maths; although i had a couple of...
  2. girlanachronism

    Sarah Redfern

    haha yeah he's been at my school quuuite a while. since halfway thru yr 8 i think? he's like a big teddy bear :D
  3. girlanachronism

    Going to a selective school

    it's untrue that the teachers at a selective school are generally better/more experienced. entry for the students is selective - it's not for the teachers, at least not any more so than transferring to any other school. i go to fort street and yeah, we have some fantabulous teachers and i feel...
  4. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    except for the part where i CHOOSE to take part in these debates. i could walk away now and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to me. tool.
  5. girlanachronism

    grr at the male population

    :rolleyes: all males are evil and only want sex all females are clingy and want doolahs the end
  6. girlanachronism

    Relationship Regrets

    of course but then you have people who actually admit to having none it and no one is willing to listen to the other side of the story
  7. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    i HAVE sacrificed a life to make things easier on myself! i don't regret it; i did the right thing by me. hey, what have you ever done for others?
  8. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    ah! you are not getting me here! it is all good and well to say that people are selfish. however until you have been in that situation, how can you possibly judge? moral righteousness is all good in theory. doesn't always hold up in practise. p.s. please don't try to emotionally blackmail me...
  9. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    :rolleyes: that is just the most retarded argument anyway. even ignoring the iffy arguments about when you can feel pain and be self aware, the procedure lasts ~15 minutes, and once you're dead, you're not aware that you're dead. you're comparing ~15 mins of what is arguably pain to a lifetime...
  10. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    what the fuck is your problem? of course i strive to be a good person, but the fact is not everyone is a goddamn saint
  11. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    fuck you. i have tried to be considerate and polite to you because even though i don't agree with your views, i respect your right to have them. you obviously know NOTHING about what it is like to have a child with a severe disability. it's not a matter of adjusting your life for a few months...
  12. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    well the thing is, thats all good and well in that situation, and i really admire that woman if what you've said is true... but not everyone has the capacity to do that. i mean, should we all be as saintly as mother teresa?
  13. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    hey you didn't respond to my post before about children with disabilities and how much it completely changes the parent's lives. (usually the mother's). can i get your thoughts on that please?
  14. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    but YOU think that it is alive and that it's wrong. it is your moral values at play here. your moral values do not dictate the rest of the world.
  15. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    OH MY GOD! IF YOU ARE ABORTED, YOU DO NOT KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN ABORTED! IT'S NOT LIKE PEOPLE WOULD SAY 'HEY...WHERE'S ASQY? SHOULDN'T HE HAVE BEEN BORN 20 YEARS AGO?' i understand that YOU do not agree with abortion. i understand that and it doesn't bother me. however... how can you...
  16. girlanachronism

    Relationship Regrets

    right there with ya, it really pisses me off how people are all so 'oh! cheaters are the scum of the earth! whereas i am morally righteous and have never made a mistake in my life!' :rolleyes:
  17. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    did i say they had to? my point is you're advocating punishing for the majority of the actions of a small minority, is that fair?
  18. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    umm, that is a defense for murder. provokation?
  19. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    i'm not saying everyone is in the exact same situation, however the fact is, i have been through it and you haven't. besides any of that, STATISTICALLY women who abuse the system are in the minority. STATISTICALLY. as in, nothing to do with my personal experience.
  20. girlanachronism

    The Abortion Debate...

    but how can you judge who 'truly' needs one and who doesn't? it's so subjective, and yeah it's fine to say 'well rape and dangers to health only!' but forcing a woman to have a child she doesn't want can also mentally and financially ruin her as well. its all a question of values, but how can...