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  1. J

    Subject Selection...Help

    Hey, I have a question to ask and I ask that someone give me a definate answer if they are pretty sure because I need to know this. Ok, If I want to be a computer Programmer, or Computer ENGINEER, Which subject would I need to do? Physics or Chemistry...I'm not sure which one is needed so it...
  2. J

    HELP Please!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

    Yeah, I guess so, I should be fine...
  3. J

    Worth doing??????

    Yeah, I'm interested and I will do it but I know for a fact there is a bit more Practical work than you have experienced at my school from what I've seen, but then again, theory too...:)
  4. J

    More Help Please!!!! :):)

    Hmmm....anyone know eher I should start to learn programming commands for VB 6, I know the basics but I want to learn..
  5. J

    Overall Skool Ranks!

    Cool....Nice work everyone...
  6. J

    HELP Please!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

    It scales well otherwise though from what I've seen, I'm hoping when I get there I'll be smart enough for Ext 2 Maths..
  7. J

    Overall Skool Ranks!

    By the way elizabethy, is doing them three science subjects hard and a lot of work to do all 3?? Do they include your VET courses etc in your school ranks???
  8. J

    Worth doing??????

    Ok then, thanks...
  9. J

    HELP Please!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

    What do you people think, you got teachers or important people on here or what, lol?
  10. J

    Question About Occupation!

    cool, whats your MSN, maybe we could talk about it...mines
  11. J

    Question About Occupation!

    I'm heading into it because I love computers and I think I would be good at Programming and Engineering and it would be interesting and I'm trying to gather as much information as possible about it..I really wanna know...THanks anyway Winston, what do you do for a living? whats your a/s/l? do...
  12. J

    Question About Occupation!

    ok......thanks...any other ideas are welcome :)
  13. J

    Worth doing??????

    Ok, thanks for all that del, your a great help, do you think I should do SDD, ITP and ITV all in one year, is it worth it???
  14. J

    Question About Occupation!

    1) Cool, so the physics is for the engineering and the SDD and 3 unit maths is for programming?? 2) 93-94 for WHAT? Do you have an exact figure? 3) Cool, any rough figures of their cut-offs? 4) Cool, how much would a programmer in VB while doing engineering make on average you think??? I...
  15. J

    HELP Please!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

    Yeah, thanks guys, I am doing it in addition to 3U, yes, I hear it is extremely difficult though...:)
  16. J

    SDD Scaling

    Thanks guys.......
  17. J

    Question About Occupation!

    Hey, I am pretty sure about a career as a Computer Programmer/Engineer. What I was wondering is the following: 1) What courses should I do? 2) What UAI should I be aiming for? 3) To get into Computer Programming/Engineer, what universities can teach me about it or where should I go to learn...
  18. J

    More Help Please!!!! :):)

    Hey everyone, I am pretty sure about a career as a Computer Programmer/Engineer. What I was wondering is the following: 1) What courses should I do? 2) What UAI should I be aiming for? 3) To get into Computer Programming/Engineer, what universities can teach me about it or where should I go...
  19. J

    Worth doing??????

    hmm, any more info like the actual differences of the courses and how they will help and what certificates will do and stuff about the course etc...
  20. J

    Worth doing??????

    Hey, what is the difference between this subject and Information Processes and Technology, I know IPT Is school based but what is this one??? Whats the differences and what does this one please:)