Search results

  1. A

    Prediction please?

    i think there were 13 people out of 120 who got 90+ this year we have about 110 people in year 12 the highest uai last year was 99.8, second highest was 98.5 sorry, that's all i know
  2. A

    Prediction please?

    sorry about that :) hate to be a pest, but how do i find the school rank? is this at the board of studies website? thanks
  3. A

    Prediction please?

    hi there, i was wondering how i might go if i maintain the following results (i go to a public non-selective school): adv english = 79 (13/60) mod history = 81 (4/32) info processes & tech = 93 (2/16) software design = 94 (2/7) maths general = 93 (4/57) these are my total assessment...