Search results

  1. fish_monger

    i have 2 days of school left, how bout you? how do u feel?

    wheeeeee! Monday tuesday wednesday is normal school, then thursday is muck-up day and they usually throw the yr 12s off grounds b4 recess neway kos we make too much mess, and the thursday night is the SCAVENGER HUNT! the reason i stayed to yr 12! yayayayayayay! and then friday morn is the...
  2. fish_monger

    hurrah for history nerds :D

    History Nerds unite! I love this subject! It is amazing (and I don't mean to boast, but I'm top of my class!:D ) We did Xerxes for our personality study, Sparta:To the battle of Leuctra for our ancient society, and we did The Greek World 500-440 Bc and New kingdom egypt form Amenhotep III to...