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  1. C

    If anyone needs help...

    Hi Anita, E-Mail my personal address with any queries you have.....when is the assessment due? What school r u from? I will help you in as many ways possible? What text book are you guys using? I will go outta my way to help you out, don't reply here, e-mail me...
  2. C

    suggest any tips for revising?

    A summary for each topic in business should be no more than a typed page. If you are over that, you need to summarise your summary. Buying revision books are good, but they are a general summary, not your summary. You should only summarise what you need to know (especially in maths), for eg, if...
  3. C

    suggest any tips for revising?

    The Jacaranda study cards can be obtained from I have them for Business Studies, IPT, General Maths, and Biology and I totally recommend them BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE DEDICATED TO USE THEM. Just because you have them does not mean you will do well, you have to use them. A...
  4. C

    Financial Cycle

    Hi all, The way I remember the Planning Cycle is: A D D P P M P M I find this really effectives as you are only using a minimum amount of letters Assessing the present financial position Determining financial elements of the business plan Developing budgets Planning cash...
  5. C

    If anyone needs help...

    A case study is basically any article with major relevance to Qantas. The business section of the age and Herald are the best ways to grab case studies, alternatively you can keep your eye on MSN TODAY as well as Ninemsn.>Business section. A textbook should have them, or if you ask your...
  6. C

    If anyone needs help...

    Hi All, If anyone needs help with any aspect of the HSC Business Studies course, please don't be afraid to ask me. If you are struggling, just ask...I can only help. I'm not being a nerd but I have ranked 1st in the two assessments so far.
  7. C

    Smaller is better

    but think about the subject aspect. city schools are offered a wider range of subjects in the hsc compared to country schools because, this is no ones fault i guess, butt he teachers dont come to the country....don't know why, cant fault it.
  8. C

    ok, i feel really dumb (internet question)

    that never happens to me either. all computers have their own little mind
  9. C

    Anyone done biology yet??

    is the bio exam hard. i have it tomorrow and i am scared that i will not pass
  10. C

    what are we meant to study for IT

    what are we meant to study for IT? I have been given nothing. Can someone help me by tomorrow night, I have the exam on Thursday afternoon.
  11. C

    Excel books

    excel books rule. i would be lost without the IPT one
  12. C

    Smaller is better

    sorry, i am just actually doing it to see how many 'city' kids realise that there is a world outside the city....if you get what i mean. i am glad that you realise there is. because i feel our school is disadvantaged
  13. C

    Smaller is better

    Remember though everyone, that the smaller the class, the better the teacher:student ratio is. We have 5 students in IPT (300 in whole school) in preliminary and I find it better when you are having class discussions as you can actually "get your say in" with out certain members of our year...