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  1. F

    impounding a dog or two or three

    Hi, I didn't know where else to post this because I'm pretty sure my request is nation specific and there is no actual general off-beat forum to post anything. And since one could consider a dog an interest or social activity I suppose this is an okay spot to post, though I understand if the...
  2. F

    Australia's sexiest politicians

    I for one don't see the pollies as sexually attractive beings. They just seem so asexual and boring on TV.
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    Accused murderer of JonBenet Ramsey had murder charges dropped

    The fuss is a 6 year old was murdered (and possibly raped) in a very brutal way. Plus she was a child beauty queen, sort of like a mini-celebrity that always garners a lot of attention, due to our society's fixation with the rich and famous and beautiful people.
  4. F

    Side effects of the trials~

    Got depression, suspect I've developed mild OCD, having anger issues and generally feel like bashing someone up. Don't eat as much. Preferrably someone high in authority and powerful. I feel angry at the cruelty, the craziness of this HSC. Watch all my classmates and myself struggle with this...
  5. F

    Predicting the future [weird I know]

    I tend to think of pyschic folk as good 'situation predictors', like they sense the variables involved in a situation and come up with a possible future, kinda like input for a computer. No future is set in stone, so I think pyschic folk might tell the best scenario out of the variables...
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    My review of the book... Loved the Tom Riddle bits the best. I'm slightly bias because I do like the character and I was totally thrilled to learn quite a section of the book was devoted to him. It was great fleshing out the man behind the name. I didn't like the romance. Sometimes I got...
  7. F

    The subject I hate most is ...

    I voted Physics, mainly because I'm in a three tear between Chemistry, Physics and Maths. Physics has concepts which takes me forever to get my head around, I don't really have all the time in the world to comprehend Physics stuff. Chemistry is so itsy bitsy with its particular rules and stuff...
  8. F

    What is the most godawfully bad book you have ever read?

    I remember 'Catcher In The Rye' by J.D. Salinger. It annoyed the hell outta me. All Holden did was whinge, whinge, attempt to have sex but fail, whinge, whinge. It has been sometime since I last read it, and I was a bit young at the time. So it could be alright on a re-read, but I have this...
  9. F

    Is it bad to not brush your hair?

    My hair is like this... Sometimes if I brush it looks great. Most of the time it looks like a big poofy ball. Fun. Usually when I don't brush it, it looks alright. But my hair gets very knotty very easily, so I have to brush it quite a few times every day or stick it in a bun. Sometimes I...
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    Time Dilation Question- NEED HELP

    THANKYOU! It sure does help, I mean if you hadn't of shown me...I'd still have no idea or I would of tried again and got it hideously wrong.
  11. F

    Time Dilation Question- NEED HELP

    The question as follows: 'Muons are very short-lived particles that are created when energetic protons collide with each other. A beam of muons can be produced by very high-energy particle accelerators. The high-speed muons produced for an experiment by the Fermilab accelerators are measured...