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  1. S

    Another question :)

    just wondering, what features should i be aware of when we asked to write a conversation/dialogue? stuff i already know - speech marks, start new sentences when person talking, current tense
  2. S

    About q3..

    if im gonna talk about my related text , shold i blab on at the start about what the main story/characters is about etc etc, or should i just get straight to the point and say how it relates/techniques it uses? do the markers expect you to do this, or is it just a waste of time?
  3. S

    Query about Q3

    so how many texts are u guys planning to cover for question 3, paper 1? i was thinking of doing one text from the stimuls booklet, one poem from immigrant chronicle (maybe 2) and 2 related texts. total of 4 (maybe 5), it should be enuff right?
  4. S

    Hitler Help

    thx for the input guys keep em comin i was thinking of using hitler documentary for my related text for powerplay. Hopefully i can relate it to Caesar and animal farm since they all use the power of language to gain power. So i was hoping hitler could some how relate with these 2 in the...
  5. S

    Hitler Help

    hey ppl, i need some help from you moden history students.. im thinking of using a documentary of hitler as my related text for english. What i need is some info of how he managed ( his techniques, the ways) to gain power. so i was wondering, how did he do it? through his speeches...
  6. S

    Simple Question

    alrite cool.. thx :) but, i was just browsing my notes, til i came across this. The reasons for using a price/income policy is because it is an instrument of macropolicy to control wage demands/expectations of trade unions to acheive wage moderation ir restraint and low inflation. now...
  7. S

    Simple Question

    If the governement implements Labour market polciy, is this an example of microeconomic reform , true? cause all the textbook says are macro = monetary, fiscal micro= Competition,refroms in product/factor markets but makes no mention where labour market policy fits in..
  8. S

    Need some advice!

    after relfecting the marks on my trials i seem to have a problem...i tend to lose a lot of marks in the "ability to write with artistry and flair" category. i only manage to get half the marks necessary in this, and i was wondering are there any tips you guys have that would help me? ( like...