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  1. T

    Wizard of Oz Picture Book

    Hi, I have choosen to do a Wizard of Oz Picture Book for my assessment task where i have to pick an imaginative text and say how (what techniques are used) to present imaginative journeys. Can anyone help me in telling me what techniques are used to represent imaginative journeys in the Wizard...
  2. T

    Definition of journeys and imaginative journeys

    To Absolution, i had a look where you directed me and there didn't seem to be tins of definitions just defintions in essays that i didn't actually want
  3. T

    Definition of journeys and imaginative journeys

    I have to do a speech on one imaginative journeys text and in the speech i have to give a definition of these. In the criteria it says i have to give a detailed definition of Journeys and imaginative journeys. I know like definitions of them but i need a real good one that would take up 3/4 of a...
  4. T

    Definition of journeys and imaginative journeys

    Hey, Just wanted to know if anyone can give me a hand into a real good meaty definition of journeys and imaginative journeys for a speech that i have to do, Thanks