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  1. *smiley_eyes*

    Rftg Creative Writing

    in our trials they gave us the visual stimulus of a leunig cartoon to write a short story about, and don't get me wrong i love leunig, but this one just didn't relate to rftg at all. it was amazingly polar and i'm kind of worried that if something like that comes up again in the paper, i'm not...
  2. *smiley_eyes*


    heh, the wit. i think i love you.
  3. *smiley_eyes*


    who permits a rape anyway to woman or man? the bible says some seriously fucked up things.
  4. *smiley_eyes*

    Have you ever had a homosexual experience?

    lol, i'd say both sexs get their fair share of the dirt. at my school, probably more so the lesbians than the gay men, although i don't know why that is..
  5. *smiley_eyes*

    Have you ever had a homosexual experience?

    i've kissed one or two girls, and while yeah, there was a fair bit of booze involved, it was still pretty fun. lol, i think girls are keener to try new stuff before going "omgthatislikesowrong.wrongwrong." you live and learn i guess.