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  1. Y

    HELP!! Method of sections/joints

    i'm not a big fan of sections. it requires a fair bit of practice, and also requires the right circumstances, although, if u r good at it, it'll make things quicker. i prefer joint analysis. it's longer, but it's easier. u have to make sure that for each joint, it has to have only 2 unknown...
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    mechanical or mechatronic engineer?>!

    yeah! go mechatronics! how's Juan Nieto going? or isn't he taking the mtrx1700 lectures this yr? my two friends who joined the SAE team are both doing mechatronics. although, an aquantance of mine in SAE is doing mechanical i think. but yeah, it doesn't really matter betweeen mtrx or mech
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    Dude, Theatresports

    "knock! knock!" rofl!!! "rubber-dub-dub three men in a tub?" "oh, don't worry, u can be the tub..." ahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did any one else notice that one of the judges gave a '1' for that pregnancy comment? come on! did u see the top!
  4. Y

    Are there any microwaves in the Uni?

    if u could be bothered, goto engo cafe near the lib but it's sometimes a bit seedy... could try the elec eng common room... although, it can be a bit tempermental (ironic that the elec eng has a stuffed up microwave?)
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    mechanical or mechatronic engineer?>!

    Both courses share fairly common subjects throughtout 1st and 2nd yr. Although, they do start to differentiate a bit, as i've noticed this yr. Mechatronics is a progressive field, and there is a lot going on with regards to research and development. I'm in second yr, and i've noticed that we hav...
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    yeah, moments do suck (especially in 3D) but hey, if u wanna do engo at uni, learn them now, coz i had no idea when i came to uni wat they were, at it was really crap learning them
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    HELP!! Method of sections/joints

    is this for truss analysis? if it is, wat do you need to know about it? (i didn't do engo studies in HSC, but i've done trusses at uni, hence a bit of specifics is needed)
  8. Y

    3D Line Equation?

    yeah, the cartesian form may seem easier, but when u get to uni maths, u'll learn about vectors, and vectors are a much easier way of doing lines in 3D space plus, they use vectors in matricies, etc, so it's more standard to use it but u'll learn about that later =)
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    The Procrastination Problem...

    I would advise to try and fine the best time at which u work, and stick to it. Make that time the time when u just negate all other destractions (ie. tv, music, people, phone, etc). And when u have like weekend long sessions of study, do it in 20min, half hour blocks, where those blocks are...
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    How accurate is SAM? 2005ers, please come in

    it was only about 0.5 off of mine, predicted 90.15, got 90.65. pretty close eh
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    Quanta to Quarks thoughts

    hell easy!!! I thought it was a hell easy one. I was beging for a manhatten project question. I was thankful they didn't ask about the cloud chamber or who contributed what to the structure of the atom. i think i ended up writing about 7 pages for the manhatten project question just for the...
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    Modern History Exam Thoughts (merged)

    Good time... I reckon the exam was pretty easy. WW1 was a breeze. Sooo good. Germany wasn't too bad. I did the conservative elite question, just rambled on how they wanted political power in Germany. Riefenstahl was standard. Indochina wasn't too bad either, just rambled on again. I did how US...
  13. Y

    BioChemistry of Movement!

    Pretty good... Yeah, i looked at the giant protein when we were going through the paper and nearly shat myself. Thank god it was a pretty easy question though. I just went thrugh how proteins formed and the various structures of them for about 3 pages or so. I didn't like the glycerol...
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    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    Meh, not too bad.... I thought it was a pretty good test. Some weird questions in their that i found a bit curvey, but pretty good all round. I like the 7 mark questions, they were easy as so i should hopefully get full marks for those. Anyone who did biochemistry of movement, did you think it...
  15. Y

    How was the exam?

    Sooo Crap... I reckon it was a shit exam... sure the first 4 questions were pretty easy, but lets face it, that was expected right. Then came the last four that were just crap. Does anyone reckon they allocated marks stupidly? Like 1 mark for like a third of a page proof!!! It was stupid...
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    maths jokes...u either love em or hate em

    Simplify 2/cos(c) *treat c as if it was x* :cool:
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    Wat 4U book do u use?

    just wondering which text-book everyone else is using. and let us know if it is good or not. I use cambridge 4unit mathematics. It's got some good hard questions, but the solutions are pretty crap and it jumps lines of working in the examples.
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    Kickass WW1 notes (i am shameless)

    U rock, thanx a lot for the notes :D
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    1/2 yearlies.....

    I've got 3U on 6/4 and then 4U on 7/4. 4U is gonna be bad, polynomials, comp. numbers, graphing and everything bar 2 results in conics:pain:
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    WW Critics

    Does anyone half good critics of WW's poetry i can use?