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  1. ...em...

    Tom Cruise is a loser...

    I hate him! Hate himmmm! Cocky piece of shit...
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    John Legend LIVE at the basement!

    Sooo.... who went? how was he?
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    John Legend LIVE at the basement!

    no, it's changed from the basement to the metro...
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    John Legend LIVE at the basement!

    He's playing at the metro now :( Damn the lack of id.
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    aww i used to love ed. i was sad when it got cut, but it's understandable...the story was basically the same every episode. but he's so cute...i love the whole black hair, blue eyes thing. ah.
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    "The lovely bones"

    i liked it until the very end bit (when it got weird)...well actually, not liked, because it wasn't really that engrossing or anything. but it was an interesting approach i guess...