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  1. B

    UAC computer- preferences

    Minai, does that mean if my uai is lower than the cut-off for my first preference, but the course is not full, could i get in?
  2. B


    Thanks dreamer and tooheyz for the info etc, i don't care about the statistics of other people, i know that ive got the determination to do it, and will apply myself, and yes i choose uws because its heaps closer, only 15mins drive from my house, saves me time and money driving to the city and...
  3. B


    hey everyone im thinking about doing mechatronic engineering at uws (penirth) or computer engineering. I dont knoe much about mechatronic in terms of career prospect, pay, etc. But i heard its a hybrid of computer, electrical and mechanical, which appeals to me as its very broad and jobs should...
  4. B


    hi Can you still get an offer to a course even if you don't get the required uai. For example, i got 68 in my uai, and my first preference was mechanical engineering @ uts 74.50 uai. Its my first preference, although i didn't get required uai, is there still a chance i could get an offer in...
  5. B

    UAI plz!

    Anyone else please?
  6. B

    UAI plz!

    So stressing about my uai, i want to try and achieve 76 to get into uni, is it possible. School is not in top 120. Thx Subject, Final Mark, Final Rank, Grade averge, English standard: 58%, 31/121, 50% Maths general: 66%, 25/83, 52% Ancient history: 67%, 22/58, 61% Engineering science...