Search results

  1. J


    my school is ranked 211... is that bad?
  2. J


    umm yeh, they are what i have used. but i was just after more info, just to see if anything was better...
  3. J


    ahhh not so sure about that
  4. J


    I am getting down about this whole HSC thing, and my grades. i put so much effort in and only get average marks back. what are your predictions of what i could be getting with these results?? Maths : 11/81 -general task 1 : 100% task 2 : 100% Half Yearly : 67% task 3 : 69% - stupid...
  5. J

    migrant women-work and leisure

    This is the skeleton of my PIP, i was just wondering whether anyone knew of any quality resources. Maybe you have studied this, or something? thanks.
  6. J


    thanks heaps for your help. ill read through it now and see if i do have questions! tops!
  7. J


    how did the conflict in indochina affect cambodia? does anyone have good detailed information about this by any chance??? thanks
  8. J


    Did anyone study Cosi for Inner Journeys? If so, are there any good places to get more info on it, or does anyone have any notes?... thanks
  9. J

    stimulus booklet

    I was just wondering whether people have many notes on the stimulus booklet-and in particular the texts that are not 'the road not taken'. i would be happy to trade any help if need be. thanks
  10. J

    making a pip unique

    I have been told that my PIP question has been done to death, its in regards to three generations of women, with the question being along the lines of: 'how has the socialisation of three women (need to be more specific) affected their belief systems regarding family roles and expectations?' If...
  11. J

    end of WW1

    thank you! you always seem to be helpin me! thanks again
  12. J

    end of WW1

    Could anyone please tell me what exactly were the outcomes of the peace treaties... what were the peace treaties other than the Versailles. And any events that were significant towards the end of WW1? Thanks! :)
  13. J

    discussion re: Speer

    What do you think his attitudes were to the Nazi Party before and after WWII?
  14. J

    help with albert speer

    Thanks Rama, and sorry about the whole posting of the thread twice, i posted it first in the general section, and realised it'd be better in this section. sorry
  15. J

    representation of hitler through film

    Hey guys, im doing an assignment on the changing representations of hitler in film over time. i am specifically focusing on 3 films: Downfall The rise of evil unknown? any response would be greatly appreciated... thank you
  16. J

    help with albert speer

    could anyone please tell me what you would reply to the question: DISCUSS ALBERT SPEERS EXPERIENCES IN AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE NAZI PARTY. thanks
  17. J

    albert speer

    would any one be able to help me answer this question? Discuss your experiences in and attitudes towards the Nazi Party i am just unable to get the right information. thank you