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Search results

  1. T

    What do you think you got?

    I got 84 in the trial and went out feeling so much more better than that and definately in the 90's. I feel great and i reckon i got my teacher his first 90 out of Uni!
  2. T

    The future of you english notes...

    I think i mite help out my little sister when she does the HSC. she's in year 9 now, and maybe she won't do the subjects i do but if i can help her i will. Just my summary books I've done, all the rest.......Gooooooooone! I so can't wait to piss on my maths stuff. Years and years or worthless...
  3. T

    How many pages did you write?

    Wtf? Am i like the slowest writer in the history of the HSC or wat? Jesus Fuck, everytime i come on here, someone is writing a million pages 4,4,4 Is there anyone else out there who is like a normal speed writer?
  4. T

    What do we study for?

    The wood exams are bullshit! I'd say around 15% of it is actaully anything to do with wood working. Basically the whole assignment is based on a company situation and the questions are addressed around the business.Maybe they should change it to business studies?
  5. T

    The Ashes

    Shaun Tait With Dizzy bowling like a daisy, I would have loved to have seen Shaun Tait being given some game time. Even in a Bangladesh game, or agaisnt the poms, I think he adds some extra flair and will scare batters. Everyone's seen Lee, and Tait is only new to english soils after a bad run...
  6. T


    Yeah I'm doing Cosi and I found some good notes in the 'resources' link on the main page. There isn't a great deal, but some useful stuff anyways Good luck
  7. T

    Queen Lere

    I seen Queen Lere on Friday, June 3, and the workshop the next day. Fractly, I thought it was shit and didn't prove anything about a feminist reading at all. The only difference is the characters r changed, they have new names, some scenes and characters have been cut, and the play had nothing...
  8. T

    General Views

    Contemplating doing Sports Media studies at CU. Just curious on the Uni, accomidations (Dorm, or house), and just basically what it's like. If any one has any opinions on Bathurst i'd like to hear too. Thankyou
  9. T

    General Notes

    I'm just after some general notes, basically just one line summaries of the topics as a tool to stick around my room for memory techniques. I have a summary book which i do, but it has pages of somewhat detailed notes, and wouldn't be suitable for hanging around. Your help would be appreciated
  10. T

    General Wood Notes

    I'm just after some general notes, basically just one line summaries as a tool to stick around my room for memory techniques. I have a summary book which i do, but it has pages of somewhat detailed notes, and wouldn't be suitable for hanging around. Notes wanted: *Wood types * Joints *...
  11. T

    General Notes

    I'm just after some general notes, basically just one line summaries as a tool to stick around my room for memory techniques. I have a summary book which i do, but it has pages of somewhat detailed notes, and wouldn't be suitable for hanging around. Notes needed: King Lear An Imaginery life...
  12. T

    General Notes

    I'm just after some general notes, basically just one line summaries as a tool to stick around my room for memory techniques. I have a summary book which i do, but it has pages of somewhat detailed notes, and wouldn't be suitable for hanging around. Your help would be appreciated
  13. T

    Sports Med...taping??

    It isn't a difficult concept but study it enough to know. If you get in a pickle, just remember the BIG 3: ANCHORS STIRRUPS FIGURE 6'S Good Luck
  14. T

    Sending an SOS to the world!!

    I have never been great at maths. Not bad and could run with the ball, but since Yr 11 our class has not got over 60%. In Yr 11 we had a teacher who is in her 70's and has taught everyone's mum and dad. All she did was talk slow and work out of the fucking text book. Learnt nothing. This year...