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  1. M

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    b of communications (public communication) at UTS. 2nd pref...wanted to do journalism there but oh and advertising has always interested me too
  2. M

    Uni Offers

    what date do uni offers come out? is it jan 20? also can someone please confirm that the opportunity to change prefs closed jan 4?
  3. M

    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    uai - 94.95 sam - 94.2 pretty happy, gets me into my course :D
  4. M

    1st in state

    mmmm well i came 2nd, behind murriam, in our school ranks. hopefully this is a good sign.....
  5. M

    UAI Prediction Please!

    school wrote their own... and yes i do go to cghs! random ha
  6. M

    UAI Prediction Please!

    Ultimately aiming for 98 but 93 and above would get me into my preferred course...could anyone fill me in on what i'm looking at??? THANKYOU my school is ranked in the early 50s my trial marks and assessment ranks are: Eng adv - 62% (but the grade avg was a fail); 9/129 General maths -...
  7. M

    Speaking Resources!

    Seeing as the continuers speaking exam for trials and HSC is about a month away, i was wondering if anyone had some really good resources for the speaking exam (other than practise questions)? maybe podcasts/other downloadable responses so that you can practise anytime easily or readymade...
  8. M

    1984 as a supplementary material?

    Can i use 1984 as my frontline supp material? i know its a prescribed text for powerplay, but am i still able to use it? thanks
  9. M

    Army's Role

    I have to do a presentation on the 'army's role in maintaining the empire (ad 14-69)'. I can find heaps of info about the army's organisation etc, but only limited amounts re the army's maintenance role...can anyone help me?? We're supposed to use sources but I can't really find anything by...