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  1. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    After reading your last reply all i can say is.... At this current moment in time, i am completely in awe of your amazingly extensive and detailed knowledge of Robin Hobbs books. Infact, i am so in awe of your abilities, i am becoming too intimidated to respond any more to this thread :P...
  2. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    Also, about Sara douglass books, are they all placed in the same world and what not, like Robin Hobbs stories?
  3. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    Hahaha ic ic ic! And yeah, it is true that you pick up little things like that... I actually skipped the liveship traders when i first read the books, and read the 2nd trilogy after the last ones... That kinda made things a bit mystified for me but then after i read the 2nd trilogy, i was...
  4. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    If you want a heavy read you should read The Lord of the Rings :P And i read the stories for fun whenever i feel like it, i think ive read them so many times i can just turn to any page and continue from there :P
  5. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    and Are sara douglass books really that good? i always see them but i wonder if i should start reading them :S
  6. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    seeing as we have delved into this kind of convo, i think ill just "spoiler" my entire reply :P Its all so interesting. Thats why i love these books. ^__^
  7. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    Ah their still up there for me...
  8. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    Im trying to start on them. Ive read his Magician, though... It was a great book. But the farseer/liveship/tawny man trilogies are by far, much much better.
  9. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    i cant remember when he toys with that witted family... But my favourite moments are when.... ah hell their ALL favourite moments >.< ^____^ that was the saddest moment in the entire set.
  10. S

    The Farseer Trilogy

    "The Farseer" Trilogy and the other trilogies by Robin Hobb ,"the Liveship traders" trilogy and "The Tawny man" Trilogy, are the best sets of books ever, hands down. The story of Fitzchivalry is so good. For those of you who havent read it... find it, get it, and read it.
  11. S

    Zomg, UoS stuff up.

    Im thinking of picking up a Chinese studies subject, but it requires a placement interview in order to figure out what proficiency of chinese language you have. Well i did my interview, and i had no idea what the heck was going on, yet when i left the room i realised i had been given permission...
  12. S

    Da Search for Accomodation >.<

    ZOMG thats gonna be a bitch. any easier way? :P
  13. S

    Da Search for Accomodation >.<

    Well im starting Uni at usyd and it will take me, currently about 2 hours to get to uni every day, and 2 hours to get home... hence i am trying to search for accomodation closer to the city in order to get to school quicker. But i cant seem to find anything atm... Anyone know where i can...