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Search results

  1. K

    what exactly ARE the principals of dyeing????

    what exactly ARE the principals of dyeing????
  2. K

    for the portfolio do we need all 3 factors?

    for the design inspiration in the portfolio: the factors...out of contempory, historical and cultural do we need to write about all three factors? or only two?
  3. K

    help - for GP one member wont even turn up

    ahh the drama... heres whats happened over the past few days: myself and the other member (melissa) called up the other girl and told her that if she doesnt start turning up to class we were thinking of kicking her out. She went off at us saying we never gave her a chance and dont trust her...
  4. K

    help - for GP one member wont even turn up

    my GP group consists of three people...and one member wont even turn up to class or rehersal....we made a contract and she has broken it six times. Tried contacting our teacher, but we cant get through and we are performing straight after the holidays for public audience. Can anyone suggest our...