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  1. L

    Imaginative journeys!

    imaginative journeys i'm doin imaginative journeys suggestions: -a beautiful mind -Dali paintings -The Matrix i cant do any of these because some classes r studyin them but mayB u ppl might want to? NEwayz, so sum1 giv me a suggestion on wot i can do? i need 2 texts
  2. L

    Journeys- Related texts

    run lola run is "run lola run" a german movie? cuz i think we watched it in continuers german
  3. L

    Journeys- Related texts

    were those imaginative journeys? were those imaginative journeys? man, i am so sik of journeys! :chainsaw:
  4. L

    what extra journeys text are you using.

    hey do u mind if i steal ur Luenig idea? i am so lost wit wot 2 do! i hav a essay due on tuesday n dont even know wot i'm doin we're doin coleridge poems in class cut i'm fuked for related texts any suggestions?