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  1. J

    KPMG Vacation interview

    which of the big four is the biggest in sydney? (1 is the highest & 4 is the lowest)
  2. J

    B Business

    Why CA is better than CPA?
  3. J

    Is UNSW best for the B Commerce course?

    Wow.. that hurts =p I'm also an int'l student btw. Well, I hope I can keep up with others fellow student expectation then. That explains why my friends said that we -int'l student- rarely in the same work grup with Australians. Seems that differences in ways of working is the main reason...
  4. J

    2004 Graduate Statistics (Starting Salaries) Out!

    interesting. where? yeah, does anyone know? just curious. ppl says that companies esp. big 4 tends to recruit UNSW's commerce graduates than USYD's.
  5. J


    Xayma & ALL do u have any recommendation, which wireless provider should I use? Which one u ppl currently use? Do u happen to know that if I already have a wireless router (wifi) in my laptop, should I still buy the access card (eg: from unwired or iburst). Thx.
  6. J

    About UNSW

    What color pass should I buy if I wanna travel from CDB to UNSW? Thx in advance..
  7. J

    Is UNSW best for the B Commerce course?

    I believe you. That, I also heard. Man, I'm confused which one to choose.
  8. J

    Is UNSW best for the B Commerce course?

    BRW article? What's that? Some also said that there're lots of Int'l Student in those uni (UNSW,USYD,Monash,etc) that don't pursue their career in Australia. So, it's hard to know the real statistic.
  9. J

    Is UNSW best for the B Commerce course?

    Honkyjai, what about the KPMG, EY, Deloitte? Do u have any idea from which uni they're recruiting? How about Commerce in Monash? (I know that this's UNSW forum, but if u don't mind to share some knowledge..)
  10. J

    Wireless Internet for Laptop

    Dear All, I'm an int'l student & will be starting my degree in Sydney next year. I've a Portege S100 & my question is: Is there anything I should add/prepare to have my laptop connect to the Uni's wireless connection (USYD)? If I live in SUV (Sydney University Village), what should I do...
  11. J

    Gumal Ngurang

    Ashlee, how about the internet connection. Does Gumal provide a unlimited access or..? If I should have a wireless provider, do you have any recommendation which one? Thx..
  12. J

    Which Uni's have Wireless access for laptops??

    What's the cost? SUV has a $170/year fee for data & phone line. Does it include non-USYD website surfing too?
  13. J


    What do u mean? Can we actually use the internet in SUV?
  14. J


    Thx Sanchez, actually I'm thinking of applying for Women's College too. But since I'm a PG student, they'll charge me abt $330/wk incl. 3 meals a day. Dunno for sure whether its ensuite, cleaned, or anything.. Care to explain in what aspect does UTS sucks? =p
  15. J


    Xayma, I learned that SUV also provide internet access $170/year. Is that all, or is there additional charge (per monthly/per MB/etc)?
  16. J


    I believe u then.. =) So, all in all, would u recommend SUV Xayma? I've an eye for Women's College & Int'l House. But it's costlier than SUV, tho they're catered.
  17. J

    Gumal Ngurang

    I see. Good choice then Ash.. While I'm still confused whether to choose USYD Master or UTS MBA =( Still contemplating it tho.. U know, I asked around about SUV in USYD thread. One of the answer I get is that SUV has no heater & no air con at all. I can live without an air con, but I dunno...
  18. J


    UTS is worse? Why? Which one? I'm thinking of applying for Gumal Ngurang too (if I choose UTS over USYD). SUV isn't heated? Are u sure it's still manageable? I mean, normally houses has heater tho not necessarily air-con, hasn't it? Did you - Xayma - ever live/visited SUV before? Anyone...
  19. J

    Gumal Ngurang

    Hey Ashlee, when I surfed the other thread, I learned that you've also apply to USYD's SUV before finally admitted to UTS's Gumal Ngurang? Care to tell me why you choose UTS over USYD or Gumal Ngurang over SUV? When I log in the online application, I've to pick my top 4 preference. Can I just...
  20. J


    Hi all, I'm an international student & thinking of taking a Master degree in USYD. I'm also thinking of getting a room in SUV. Do you have any advise for me? - Is it centrally heated and/or has air-con and/or has balcony? - I know that aside from our weekly charge, they also charge resident...