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  1. B

    Having problems sumbitting notes

    hey, im having a problem submitting notes onto the site. i put all the info in then click submit but it doesnt come up on the resources page. does it just take a while? i tried to submit notes 2 days ago and they arent there. what am i doing wrong?
  2. B

    How many exams do YOU have?

    i have 6. 3 down, half way over!!! P1 and 2 english adv, community and family studies, maths, biology and society and culture.
  3. B

    harry potter as a sup txt 4 imaginative journey?

    God!! how up yourselves are you people? a marker would not fail you for doing a text like hp, sure they would if you didnt say anything about it or have any idea what you were talking about. it wouldnt be that hard to make it really good, and whoever suggested Alice in Wonderland as a...
  4. B

    Help with related!!!!!

    Hey, i was wondering if anyone can help me with my related material for imaginative journeys. i have to change one but i dont know what to do! i have a picture book so i need another one from a different caterogy like a song or short story. Anyone have any ideas??? PLEASE HELP!!
  5. B

    Social change theories!!!

    Hey guys. i was wondering if anyone can help me with the social change theories in social and cultural change and continuity? Our focus country is Indonesia and we have to relate one to it and our teacher isnt very helpful and we had to find the information ourselves. Can anyone help me...
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    P.I.P marks

    Our teacher always told us we could never find out our marks, but apparently a girl that went to my school last year figured out that you can get the mark but you have to pay for it. Im not sure how much though.
  7. B

    PIP tItLE?????

    Hey!! I really need help, my PIP is due on monday and i still havent thought of a title. My topic is how do sister-sister relationships change over time? Does the presence of birth order od sibling rivalry contribute to this change. Basically i just need a title about sisters, it doesnt really...