wasn't it talking about how you can get a house pet babysitter which watches ur pet and organises ur house and shit and so the pet stays active and doesnt get lonely.. thats what i got out of it.
far out, heres a story..
i got caught doing burnouts and doing 100 in a 60 zone in my mates dads car WHICH was a government car AND he didnt know about us taking it out which lead me to being arrest threatened for grand theft auto/speeding and wreckless driving which lead to some serious...
i couldn't think of anything worse than the south coast but heaps of ppl are goin to broulee.. if you're gunna go go to broulee.. the other places are fairrr shit around there.
WTF how are we supposed to write a significant amount of shit on 2 speeches?!?!? I got 5 pages - 4 were well written the fifth was complete bullshit trying to make numbers... RIDICULOUS SPECIFYING 2.. Stupid People.
yeah i'd say you could've done that.. meh i'm sure the markers will get a fkload of different responses its just how well u argued what u argued i spose.
i love you i love you i love you i love you hahah
thats exactly what i did and kept referring to the question... hooray if you fucked it then i fucked it :) hehe
Eya i was just wondering if anyone is hittin bali up for schoolies? Me and a couple of mates r keen as and we were gunna go to Thailand but there has been that coup with the military and shit so we're thinking Bali?!?! Anyone going or?
Someone help this is killing me.
The drawing is a bit dodgy but you will get the idea.. Need help!
yeah i was about 100 metres from the fence.
The C.A.P.A Performance Cars (600HP) were drifting around a loose gravel track that was a massive oval shape. The crowd were all lined up along the fence which is right on the track and the fence is only a shitty little wire one that is like stomach...