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  1. B


    hey does anyone do the bachelor of aviation at UNSW. if so please tell me the crterias for getting into the course cos i am interested in doing this after HSC. or is anyone interested in doin the course and have some information they can provide me. thanks!
  2. B

    anyone got notes?

    heyis anyone doing work and leisure and equility and difference for thier elected areas? if so do you mind trading notes?
  3. B

    did anyone find that PIP Talk on Friday helpful?

    hello guys, i'm guessing that u answered this becasue u went to the city PIP talk on Friday. did anyone find it useful or just the stuff they already know?
  4. B

    hey is anyone going to the PIP talk in the city next friday?

    any one going to PIP talk on Friday in the city
  5. B

    pip interview for golfers

    hey does anyone play golf here. if so please reply, cos i would like to interview you for my PIP. Thanks!