mr green. you are starting to piss me off. yes i know who you are and consider this your first warning to shut the fuck up ;)
you wont get another one. fucking arsewipe.
cant wait to see you out on the piss :wave: fuck that will make me happy. have a good day.
im not physically attracted to my gf. but i just dont think about it or judge her. i concentrate on other things. remember...physical appearance is only one slice in the pie.
Why worry about STD's? If you wear a condom and you dont sleep with hookers, massive sluts or animals....**shifty eyes** then you should be right. for fucks sake most of them are easily cured anyway.
enjoy sex when your young cause your not gonna get much when your married.
i dont want to...
i got a n73 bout a month ago. ive got no problems with it but it is pretty long. so it feels weird in your pocket. but besides that its a good solid phone.
Not going to tell you what weapons we use or what we do. You could probably look that up on wikipedia anyways. SAW?? Section assault weapon? (Mag 58?) Never heard of that b4 in my life.SAW that is.
Fitness is important but as long as you can pass the PFA you should be right. it will be hard...
kapooka is only a 4 week course now. not very long. and they run all the time.
as for being deployed. you have to apply and there is vigourous testing and selection criteria. etc etc. you wont just get called up.
Call 131901= first starting point. go from there
PS-join. its good shit
i work security outside altitude (roxys) and down under. Personally i think down under is more seedy than roxys but i hate altitude so i only go to down under. seeing there is only 2 night clubs in port and they are both shitty i find its no point in complaining about it, you just got to make...
im pissed off with the link at the moment. they stopped paying me cos i earn to much money ($180-200) pw [well thats what i declared anyway] and i got fucking work directions telling me i need to apply more jobs????? As far as im concerned they can all go get fucked. C/link was good while it lasted
Re: who has tattoos?
Ive got a tattoo of the aussie flag on my right shoulder/arm. as for the whole old age/wrinkles crap. when im that old im sure ill have alot of more important stuff to worry about than what my tattoo might look like. My advice to any1 getting a tatt is to get something you...
If its sex with your girlfriend then either lights on or off. it just happens and u dont think about it. Now here is where it gets interesting...if its a one-night stand then if shes hot=lights on or dimmed . if she's not so hot=lights out. Any arguments?