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  1. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    lol alright ill c u in lectures den!! ummm... im not sure i think its only 1 day...
  2. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    nahhh i dun mind.... here are all the tute times dat i chose... how about u ? Unit 101026 - Visual Analysis Course 1571 - Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) School School of Communication Arts Coordinator Julia Park Comment Session Day Start Finish location Week Range...
  3. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    Heyyy,, ur so lucky!!...coz u dun have to sit on the train for an hour!! lol
  4. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    HeYYY Thanks again for the info!! btw... we might even be catching the same train and bus together... but we wouldnt know who each other was lol........
  5. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    Hey s1mplykat Thanks for the information!! its so informative!!! so on orientation day.. i'll be cathing the train from central station to kingswood station then!!... haha thanks!!
  6. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    hey s1mplykat just wondering... how did u travel to penrith on academic advisory day? did u have to go city first to catch the train? and one more question how was the academic advisory day? was it important?
  7. vick1_zha0

    posibility? UWS: B design (visual comm)- UTS: B design (visual comm) O_o

    Hey Grue, dw i thought i was the only asian studying viss comm in uws too, but i den i realised i wasnt the only one lol actually, im in the same position as u, except im prob worse coz i live in the city but i gotta travel 1 hour each day to penrith.. dats why i gotta work very hard to...