I get called up like once every six months. And every time it coincides with exams and stuff, and i usually just say i'm a full time student and if i miss a big chunk of Uni i'll fail and waste money etc (i also attached my timetable as proof with it). They seem to let me off. Though once i was...
Yeah i still haven't had any exams. Tuesday + Wednesday. It's good cause you get to study more, but bad because you gotta wait out for the break for longer ;(~~~
Tornado of Souls by Megadeth has an ace solo
I also love the solo in Over the Wall by Testament.
Also omie jay... you didn't mention the best solo by In Flames ... December Flower (granted it's a guest solo and Zombie inc is ace too)
There's too many to list really ;(~
presentation for wednesday done (i think ;\).
Also i wrote 2000/2500 words tonight for an assignment due next wednesday (but they're rough).
Next few weeks are looking busy with uni work ;(~
ffffffffff i borrowed a book for like 6 hours today from the short loan section, and they've given me a fine claiming that i borrowed it from the reserve section? Someone must have put it back in the wrong shelf or something ';(~