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  1. J

    Projectile Motion Question

    Thanks for the help
  2. J

    4u Class of 2006

    i've just done multiplication and division in modulus-argument form, and am doing De Moivre's theorem next lesson... Complx numbers hasn't been hard yet, but i'm not looking forward to some of the other topics
  3. J

    4u Class of 2006

    Doing complex numbers now... i'm the only one doing it at my school so i don't know how long i'll last.
  4. J

    4 unit maths class structure

    I'm the only one at my school doing 4 unit (very small school), so my 4 unit classes are run seperately.
  5. J

    Projectile Motion Question

    here... Don't really know what to do... thanks for any help.