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  1. Liberator

    Islam Discussion

    zahid , it appears you are a loyal follower , but very lost in your cause. You preach of your god and claim he performs miracles. But your faith has closed up your vision to a near complete blindess. You are similar to a mad begger muttering words under his tongue. Your blindness is further made...
  2. Liberator

    Islam Discussion

    Islam is only one of the many misguided religions, which fight for the name of god. Sadly all religions will fail. Muslims and the like will know the wrath of god, as he oppresses your lives on earth and then restrict you to the gates of heaven. Only accessible path is to deny god and forget...
  3. Liberator

    If You're a Christian, Muslim or Jew - You are Wrong

    God is laughing as you simpletons for arguing in his name. He purposely allowed a division of belief to divide the human race and stagnate its progress. Believing in misguided writing of mere mortals who have a claim of higher being is laughable. Let the beliefs of all of you slowly allow the...
  4. Liberator

    Bush's Creationism in schools remarks

    Your own god has blinded all you religious fools. He is mocking your futile attempts at gaining approval from him. He is setting impossible and tiresome obstacles you must over come. He continuously spreads lies of Satan himself. But this has only come about from jealousy of the superior power...