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  1. Lex818

    Director's Folio

    Hey, i almost did Everyman. It was either that or the play im doing now... ive kinda read through the script... and no, i havent seen any rationales or folios on Everyman. Seems that ppl try 2 stay away frm things like this and shakespeare... My logg book has been submitted for marking atm...
  2. Lex818

    Drama Essay

    For viewer, stick to Audience. and Playwright to composer. Even though they may mean the same thing, the dramatic terms show the marker that u actually know the subject. [This applies to all others as well, especially in science] If u feel ure repeating urself, [which is common for me in...
  3. Lex818

    HSC Timetable

    Yea, its weird this year... ive got drama in the first week. Then chem on the 2nd last day... Atleast they're all spread out... give me more time 2 revise for each subject. Plus i think i get like 1 a day... Friend's got an ext language on the very last day though XD, sucks to be her...
  4. Lex818

    2006 HSC Study Guides...

    Thanks 4 the advice.
  5. Lex818

    2006 HSC Study Guides...

    I recently got the study guide booklist for ordering... i was wondering if these guides will help in study or they're just repeating on whats already in the text book. there are 5 on that i can order: - Jacaranda - Macquarie - Excel - Cambridge - Get Smart I currently do Adv English...
  6. Lex818

    Doing badly in 3 unit Maths?

    I'm bummed out so badly in my half years in ext 1... The main problem for me is remembering ALL the formulas... I nail the 2u test ezi and have been averaging in the high 80s and i know i can get 90+ BUT ITS THOSE DAMN EXT 1 FORMULAS!!! :( Plus, at this stage... im aware that im gonna...
  7. Lex818

    Drama Essay

    I was told to refer to the audience [just like how english essays refer to the viewer/reader] and how it affects them [emotionally etc.]. However, a warning from my teacher was to avoid words that were commonly used in English essays such as Viewer, composer etc. Stick with dramatic terms rather...
  8. Lex818

    Director's Folio

    just curious... wat play u doing ur IP on??? and what stage are u at on ur IP? Im doing Myth, Propaganda & Disaster etc. and ive just finished my 1500 folio draft.
  9. Lex818

    Exemption for P platers - best ways??

    2 ways of going about this issue dude. a) You can either wait till u bugger off your Ps which will be in 3 yrs and find an alternative car [e.g. convincing ur parents 2 trade-in the volvo] b) Find a better reason then work. There are many loop holes in the P Plate restriction. I don't want...
  10. Lex818

    HELP! How many hours of tv do you do a week?

    You say ure workin on your timetable... Don't forget that you break once inna while during study n not do the full load... So u can do what i do and break for an hour :P Anywho, back to the topic... I watch about 1 hour per weekday which means i can watch the 8:30 shows everynite [e.g. House...
  11. Lex818

    onstage 06

    Was just tellin my friend... How much does it freak you out inna way seeing the level of performance that a Performing IP has to do to get a band 6. I rekon its a good wake up call for those who've been cruising through drama in yr11. Thx god im doing Director Portfolio >.<
  12. Lex818

    BoS clan.

    lol CS:S... sif anyone would play source :P Do you play 1.6 at all? or did u start wif source? I play CS 1.6... thats bout the only few games that are popular enuf 2 need clans :P
  13. Lex818

    ROAD RAGE!!!!!!! do you?

    Ya, and those who CAN ACTUALLY DRIVE get the shit bagged outta em. >.< Just like me, i cop it lots frm ppl who havent even seen me drive. However, i still give shit to whoever cuts or does something absolutely stupid around me, Azn or Aussie. :D