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  1. Drej

    WTF IS UP WIT 200083: Marketing Principles

    yeh it is pretty was going heapz slow the other dayz ...even on my adsl n my mates cable...........but FUCK still shitty that the c-town markting principles is "not enabled"...fuckin downies.....all of em....
  2. Drej

    WTF IS UP WIT 200083: Marketing Principles

    yeh i know.....but it looks prettier if it says im enrolled in it ;)
  3. Drej

    WTF IS UP WIT 200083: Marketing Principles

    poor cunt u aint going campbelltown........this place fuckin shit surprised they even have computers........too bad they cant fuckin use em.......
  4. Drej

    WTF IS UP WIT 200083: Marketing Principles

    how come it says not enabled !?!??!...and the tuts are enabled !?!?! WTF IS UP WITH THAT !!! .....honestly boyz n really regretting my decision to go uws......prolly better to go fuckin TAFE.... ps WTF !?!?!
  5. Drej

    some help !!

    uhhhhhhh ok :D
  6. Drej

    some help !!

    uhhhhh i dunno wat that means.....but every maco is macedonian orthadox...
  7. Drej

    some help !!

    pfffft.....ASIO.....ill bomb them too.....ill become al queida's terrorist cell in Australia.....ill bomb everybody....and then when islam conquers the world they'll make me king......and then ill make islam illegal and make macedonian orthadox the religion of the world...and then ill go back to...
  8. Drej

    some help !!

    SO WTF !?!?!....piece of piss uni.......ima fuckin bomb the place if they dont put it up by 2moz.......
  9. Drej

    some help !!

    yeh ok......i picked "accounting info".....last tuesday...shouldnt it be uploaded onto my enrolled list by now ?!!??!
  10. Drej

    some help !!

    ABSOLUTLY POSITIVE !!!.....during the enrollment lecture they said they left it off out enrolment they instructed us to fill out a veriation of enrollment form.....we did....and then they collected it along with my hecs forms and all the others....
  11. Drej

    some help !!

    can anyone tell me why "accounting info for managers" is missing from my enrolled subjects.......when i enrolled last week !!!... is anyone else who is doing B Biz Marketing at C-town having the same problem !?!?!?
  12. Drej

    Clubs and societies

    sushi tastes like ass......i hate it.....unless its loaded with wasabi then its ok.....
  13. Drej

    Clubs and societies

    i know man.....fuckin its like right there....campbelltown is all the way fuckin...somewhere else.........its rooted i know but bankstown dsnt have marketing :(.....c-town does
  14. Drej

    Clubs and societies

    hectic long is it from mac. station to uni ??...
  15. Drej

    Clubs and societies

    yeh thats what i mean...its rorted !!......c-town has a cafeteria......2 i think......but the one i went to...its like....some bumbkin shed where they serve meat pies n sausage rolls......eghhhh....gimme the wog food man...kebabs n shit...yummy :D
  16. Drej

    Clubs and societies

    damn !!...anyone else know !?!?!...coz ill need something to get me through the day....and im pretty sure they dun sell e's at the uni ;)......(jks)
  17. Drej

    Clubs and societies

    anyone if they sell alko at uws c-town uni bar......or if it has a uni bar ??...coz i didnt see one at enrollment...only a dodgy cafeteria that looked like my primary school canteen...
  18. Drej

    Sticky: Official 2004 UWS Student List

    really !?!?!...i live near me weird is that !?!? :)
  19. Drej


    how come on my "tut reg" page for one of my subjects its says in the "selection area".......NOT OPEN......and in another on it says NOT ENABLED !?!.....does they mean that there is diff way to register ??........(coz it dsnt say that anywhere)
  20. Drej


    RORTED !!! they told us to pick acounting info.......its a conspiracy i swear to god it is...