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  1. A

    polynomial question (or part of)

    FITZ 3u 27d 15a α+β+γ=-3 αβ+αγ+βγ=-2 αβγ=-1 i needed to simplify this: 1. α2(β+γ)+β2(α+γ)+γ2(α+β) 2. α2β+α2γ+β2γ+β2α+γ2α+γ2β 3. α2β+αβ2+α2γ+αγ2+β2γ+βγ2 4. αβ(α+β)+αγ(α+γ)+βγ(β+γ) 5. αβ(α+β)+αβγ+αγ(α+γ)+αβγ+βγ(β+γ)+αβγ-3αβγ 6. (α+β+γ)(αβ+αγ+βγ)-3αβγ my teacher did this, and i wanna...
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    Dropping Subjects....

    I am doing the hsc this year, and i wanna know if i can actually drop a subject AFTER my school has subjected the student+subject list to the board of studies. right now, im not too sure if i should continue a subject or not, but i dont wanna think too long and i think my school is soon gonna...