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  1. S

    Help on finding essays/responses

    hey i kinda still don't know how to use this site.. but can sum1 help me find documents/essays submitted by other ppl so i can see what other ppl are writing for english ... ur help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. S

    Supplementary Material

    hey i asked my teacher the same question... we don't need any supplementary material for this module of transformations as it is directly talking about the transformations between emma and clueless!
  3. S

    The red tree

    heyy.. i was going to do the red tree too and i came on 4 help ... but now that ive read the posts it is really more an inner journey. However the pictures in the book take the reader on an imaginative journey. The pictures represent what she is feeling... i might try and manipulate it to make...