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  1. C

    how do you judge a good book?

    i go for the title, then the blurb and i try and i see if an author i know i like has enjoyed the book.
  2. C

    Just another brick in the wall

    Here's something to ponder, do you feel like youth don't care about what's going on in the world as much as say 30 years ago? Do you believe that even if we do, our opinions are ignored by the government and so there is no point trying to change things (for examples protests to the war in Iraq...
  3. C

    Does God exist?

    the difference between peoples beliefs and nazis etc is whether or not those beliefs hurt other people. In the case of religion it is most often the debate that hurts people and affects our world so much not the lack of debate.
  4. C

    Does God exist?

    how would you prove China exists? pictures can be made as can other texts. If two people come and tell you China exists thats great but what if they're both liars? If heaps of people tell you it exists and few tell you it doesn't then how would you know the liars from the ones telling the truth...