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  1. R

    Law Camp?

    i was just young back then, when i first came up against hannibal in the battle at river trebia... oh horrible horrible hannibal, his elephants... his ambush... the roman slaughter... i faced hannibal again, when he attempted to take rome... i was a veteran then, and we stood our ground, forced...
  2. R

    Law Camp?

    lol roy, ur nuts..... and who r u wrong_turn?
  3. R

    O-week question

    is it advisable for me to attend both commerce and law o-week sessions if i'm going to do comm/law?
  4. R


    lol..... anyway, thanks frigid. i will participate more in the next five years :D
  5. R


    what is the deadline for choosing what major to do if u are doing law/commerce?