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Search results

  1. H

    strange error ....

    ...i'm trying to accept my offer online (through myunsw) when i enter all my details i.e. uac number, pw, program code, dob and check it's all correct and press 'continue' im getting an error message which say: "An error has occurred The date of birth or academic program information...
  2. H

    Pronunciation of Keynesian?

    probably wants to give oral rather.
  3. H

    ISO: exempler response - details inside

    i need a link/file attachment to it what i mean , and as to what i can give, i was talking about what the response was about just in case people needed more information to find it. as for standards package - school is on holidays and won't be starting for another week
  4. H

    ISO: exempler response - details inside

    I think it was from 2003, but anyway...here's the stuff which I can give in regards to what the response was related to: - Question 2 Paper 1 (AoS) - Short story titled "Aunt Mabus" (sp?) - Was about the death of a aunt and this guy going to her apartment realising the death was not natural...
  5. H

    looking for an exempler response...help please =)

    I think it was from 2003, but anyway...here's the stuff which I can give in regards to what the response was related to: - Question 2 Paper 1 (AoS) - Short story titled "Aunt Mabus" (sp?) - Was about the death of a aunt and this guy going to her apartment realising the death was not natural...