paper 2

  1. katiekms

    Can they force discursive for mod c?

    My teacher (who was a hsc marker) told us that no matter what they have to include imaginative for mod c. so it could be imaginative by itself, imaginative + discursive, or all of them. but it always HAD to include imaginative. now i had someone tell me that they’re allowed to ask specifically...
  2. S

    Module C English advanced prediction?

    Hi guys, just wanted to ask what your predictions are for the module C English advanced. Do you think it will be discursive, persuasive or creative? and how are you going to prepare for it? like do you think it's a good idea to memorise the imaginative and then turn it into a discursive? Or...
  3. D

    English Papers

    I've noticed that there aren't that many english advanced papers on any of the websites (**********, BOS or ACEHSC), so if anyone has them it would be greatly appreciated if they could share them, even your own school papers is fine, because eventually we can collate them all.