
  1. xoxogossipgirll

    ! B of Science or B of Medical Science ! (UNSW) (Early Entry)

    I am on the verge of crying because I got a conditional early offer at UNSW for a B of Science and I feel like a B of Medical Science is more professional in terms of image. Does B of Science get me into a postgrad in Dentistry?! cause B of Medical science is said to be a better option for...
  2. A

    (HELP) need help deciding on which uni to pick medical science at + Q's about post grad med

    My main options are UTS, Usyd, and UNSW. I have a few questions, 1) does the medical science degree say at UTS give u a lower chance of getting into post-grad med as opposed to say at UNSW 2) UTS doesn't have med, Usyd does but wondering about UNSW, do they take GAMSAT or only need UCAT for...