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99.85 | STATE RANKER | Economics (97), English Adv (96), Physics (94) Tutoring (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 25, 2013

My name is Wendy Hu and I recently graduated from PLC Sydney with an ATAR of 99.85 as well as placing 4th in the State for Economics. This year, I will be studying a Combined Law/Economics degree at USYD and am a recipient of the Sydney Scholars Award. My HSC marks and subjects I am offering tutoring for are as follows:

Economics – 97/100 (4th in State)
English Advanced – 96/100
Physics – 94/100

Like many Year 12 students, my HSC year was filled with frustration when confronted disappointing assessment marks but also gratification when hard work seemed to have finally paid off. Regardless of your performance in term 1, I am a firm believer that ALL students are able to achieve their desired ATAR. Through talking to peers and older students, I have amassed highly EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE study techniques which will help you work smarter – not just harder.

I want to use my experiences to help YOU.

Lessons will incorporate a mixture of learning new content, perfecting exam technique and refining essay writing skills. My teaching method is extremely through and detailed, ensuring the student has complete understanding of difficult concepts and relationships before moving onto a new topic.

Also included is FREE MARKING of one essay per lesson outside of class time, which involves personalised and extensive feedback on how to NAIL your long responses. Students are able to contact me for help at any time and will have access to my 1000s of past papers (selective, private & commercial), as well as materials written by other State Rankers.

Pricing & Location
Tutoring will be conducted at Parramatta Library or nearby public libraries (other locations are also negotiable). My rates are listed below:

One-on-one: $40/hr
Groups of 2-3: $30/hr

FIRST LESSON IS HALF PRICE. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any more information!

Phone: 0431 690 086
Email (preferred): wendym.hu@gmail.com

Thanks! And best of luck with your HSC endeavours :smile:

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