99.95 ATAR | Eng Ad, Math Ad, Music 2 Tutoring | 1st in NSW Music 2 and Music Ext | Essay Marking (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 14, 2021
Hi I'm Eunice! I graduated from Meriden in 2022 with an ATAR of 99.95, coming 1st in NSW in the Music 2 and Music Extension courses. I will be offering online tutoring for English Advanced, Maths Advanced and Music 2, as well as essay marking for English Advanced.

English Advanced: Internal rank - 2/144
Maths Advanced: Internal rank - 2/78
Music 2: Internal rank - 1/16 and 1st in state

For English Advanced, I offer tutoring for the following texts:
• Common mod: The Merchant of Venice
• Mod A: Mrs Dalloway and The Hours
• Mod B: T.S Eliot Poetry

English Advanced Essay Marking - $30/script
• Breakdown of strengths, weaknesses and areas for further improvement
• Suggestions to improve concision and sentence flow
• Suggestions to improve paragraph progression and integrity of essay argument
• Unlimited redrafts
• I am able to mark essays outside of the texts listed above!

My lessons will include:
• Access to full-mark exemplar responses
• Structured approach to tackling questions
• Focus on exam strategy to maximise marks and minimise silly mistakes
• Access to extensive past paper bank
• Support outside of lessons

Skill development and exam technique - whilst understanding the content is important, I place an even greater emphasis on developing the skills and mental agility needed for a student to tackle even the most demanding questions. I have formulated a highly systematic, structured approach to crafting written responses, deconstructing the seemingly abstract nature of these sections. Exam technique strategies are also highly embedded within my teaching methodology.

Exam preparation - I focus on showing students how they should be preparing for their exams, tailored specifically to their needs. Given the heavy workload of the HSC, making use of high-yield preparation techniques is crucial for students to maximise their study time.

Rate: $90/hr

Feel free to contact me at eunice.thi13003@gmail.com :)
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