could look at the history to show/prove that it isnt a contemporary issue (the sesquicentenary/day of shame, the whole eligibility to vote in the 60's, the freedom rides etc) (depends on your defn of contemporary I guess)
Whilst it logically doesnt fit, Stolen Generation can also be mentioned in terms of Aboriginal identity linked to the land.
Maybe look at the "impacts"/implications on todays Aboriginal People eg politics (Pauline Hanson etc), stereotypes, recent portrayal in th emedia (eg The Redfern "Riots" and the subsequent protest marches etc)
depends on how far you want to go and how far the question allows you to go...........
Could be really cynical and argue that as a contem. issue, it sometines gets sidetracked/hijacked as a popular political issue and that the true msg/reason behind landrights is sorta misplaced/lost........... (if you want to be cynical

This is just some random rambling.hope it make sense