I'll give a brief overview of each of the subjects in the Accounting major, based on my experiences. This information is based on 2004-2005 classes and so could change in the future.
If anyone else wants to contribute information then feel free to do so. The Accounting major handbook entry is available here: http://www.handbook.uts.edu.au/directory/maj08437.html
22320 Accounting for Business Combinations
- This subject includes 1 lecture (1 hour) and 1 tutorial (2 hours) to give you a total of 3 hours a week.
- This subject deals with financial accounting that companies face in relation to dealing with more than one entity. It involves learning about consolidations of parent and subsidiary companies (journal entries and financial statements), associates and joint ventures.
- The subject is mainly practical based with a heavy emphasis on journal entries and numbers. The assessments are mainly either mid-semester exams or in-class tests and a final exam. A good understanding of the material from each week is required as the topics flow on from one week to the other.
- This subject used to be the hardest subject in the Accounting major and any past Accounting student will vouch for that. However, a recent overhaul of the subject has made it easier and any 2005+ student will tell you that the subject is not so difficult anymore.
22420 Accounting Standards and Regulations
- This subject includes 1 lecture (2 hours) and 1 tutorial (1 hour) to give you a total of 3 hours a week.
- This subject deals with the accounting framework and the accounting standards that govern accounting procedures in Australia. You will learn about many different standards that govern different parts of a company's accounting system, such as income, assets, liabilities, expenses, tax, etc, all of which have standards which govern how they are recorded in the financial statements.
- The subject is mainly theory based with a heavy emphasis on reading and understand the accounting standards. There are some practical exercises in the tutorial work and also in the final exam. The assessments are mainly essay based and a final exam as well.
- This subject requires a fair amount of reading, though the material isn't too difficult to grasp.
If anyone else wants to contribute information then feel free to do so. The Accounting major handbook entry is available here: http://www.handbook.uts.edu.au/directory/maj08437.html
22320 Accounting for Business Combinations
- This subject includes 1 lecture (1 hour) and 1 tutorial (2 hours) to give you a total of 3 hours a week.
- This subject deals with financial accounting that companies face in relation to dealing with more than one entity. It involves learning about consolidations of parent and subsidiary companies (journal entries and financial statements), associates and joint ventures.
- The subject is mainly practical based with a heavy emphasis on journal entries and numbers. The assessments are mainly either mid-semester exams or in-class tests and a final exam. A good understanding of the material from each week is required as the topics flow on from one week to the other.
- This subject used to be the hardest subject in the Accounting major and any past Accounting student will vouch for that. However, a recent overhaul of the subject has made it easier and any 2005+ student will tell you that the subject is not so difficult anymore.
22420 Accounting Standards and Regulations
- This subject includes 1 lecture (2 hours) and 1 tutorial (1 hour) to give you a total of 3 hours a week.
- This subject deals with the accounting framework and the accounting standards that govern accounting procedures in Australia. You will learn about many different standards that govern different parts of a company's accounting system, such as income, assets, liabilities, expenses, tax, etc, all of which have standards which govern how they are recorded in the financial statements.
- The subject is mainly theory based with a heavy emphasis on reading and understand the accounting standards. There are some practical exercises in the tutorial work and also in the final exam. The assessments are mainly essay based and a final exam as well.
- This subject requires a fair amount of reading, though the material isn't too difficult to grasp.
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