bobness said:
IMHO finance is more theory
accounting tends to be practical i.e. cadetships
wtf have you even done accounting? at uni, its the exact opposite to what you've described. You're talking about 3rd Financial Accounting which is all theory basically. Thats why for Accounting subjects heaps of them you can't take a calculator in (cause you don't need one), whereas if you don't take a calculator into a finance exam you're a f'king idiot.
If you've completed a university sequence in accounting and you still have that view, then I'm a dick
blackfriday said:
accounting is pretty easy to absorb once you get past debits and credits pretty much. its something most people can do without much higher learning, thats why there are cadetships.
WTF? cadets dont do accounting. As if you just let some 18 year old audit a company's accounts. Thats just like saying a cadet at a law firm gives legal advice to clients.
cadets = photocopying, leadsheet preparation, manual addition of computer calculated balance sheets...stuff a grade 6 can do. how can you say thats accounting.
I wonder why auditors, liquidators etc. have to be registered contingent on a 3 year degree in accounting and a 2 year corporate law sequence, as well as 5 or so years of supervision experience, and face disciplinary boards like the CALDB, potentially go to jail for misconduct etc. if its something "most people can do without much higher learning"
blackfriday said:
for finance, is anyone going to trust a kid to make decisions about future projects or investments with no finance knowledge whatsoever? i dont think so. things like tax or superannuation are far easy to understand in the short run.
if anyone understood the tax and super laws properly they could make retire at 25. That shit is so complex atm that no accountant or lawyer understands any of that bullshit properly.
additionally, tax and superannuation are intertwined with investments anyway, maybe even more important than say investing in the sharemarket. If you screw up in stocks and bonds you lose just what you invested. you screw up your super, you lose your retirement
Anyway, you'll find it is the ACCOUNTANT in businesses that make all the future project, financial planning, investment decisions, not some dweeb with a BCom that includes a Finance major of a grand total of 4 subjects.
eagles said:
accounting records what has happened.
finance looks towards the future.
Financial Accounting records what has happened.
Management Accounting looks to the future
Finance uses
Past Accounting for
future decisions.