Does anyone have a list of the ACCT1511 lecture streams and times? If I want to swap lecture streams, do I have to officially change it on My UNSW (If so, how?), or can I just attend the new lecture...
LEC A 3333 Enr Full 440/440 100% Tue 10 (Burrows Th); Wed 10 (Clancy Aud)
LEC B 3332 Enr Open 251/440 57% Wed 13 (CLB 7); Thu 13 (Burrows Th)
LEC C 3163 Enr Open 190/440 43% Wed 15 (Burrows Th); Thu 16 (Burrows Th)
LEC D 3334 Enr Full 106/104 100% Tue 18-20 (Quad 1027)
thats it. The official line is you should attend the one you are enrolled into, but it doesn't matter, as long as you don't sit on the stairs/floor(OH&S)