You shouldnt Prejudge such things as ppl will accept what you're saying as the truth.
The BOS CANNOT ask you for these areas specifically as the syllabus states
"the role and responses of religious traditions in/to at least THREE of the following issues/political debates:
indigenous rights
the role of women in family, church, workplace and society
therefore it will depend upon which ones you have studied at school....
Stating that its going to come out "for sure" *may* cause "panic" at this early stage. (ie ppl may think OMG, I havenot studied those topics......)
As for your question,
Christianity is easy..... especially unemployment and poverty-look at gov't policy and "agencies" for tis one (ie they are Church run/influenced/advised)
Judaism and Islam share similar views to Christianity re abortion and poverty (the trick is how they deal with it). Employment seems to be kept as a community based issue so you could cites community specific eg's here
Buddhism- poverty and abortion dont appear to be a "public thing" (like the above 2 religions), so again, look for community specific eg's. Also tied in with their beliefs as well (same for Islam and Judaism). Unemployment Im not too sure about with regards to Buddhism.......
Hope this helps.......