There was no document containing sample answers made for the 2004 Physics HSC exam (as students would expect nowadays). However, the Board of Studies (now NESA) did release notes from the Marking Centre targeting this paper. The following was mentioned regarding Question 18:
The better responses succinctly identified the two clear errors in the statement and used the centripetal force equation to support their judgement. Many candidates incorrectly interpreted the statement as being correct and therefore had difficulty as they tried to justify its elements.
This provides guidance regarding the correct information that responses to this question should include. Below is an example:
This statement is incorrect and demonstrates little or no real understanding of the forces involved in a car negotiating a circular path. There is a net force that acts horizontally towards the centre of the circular path, i.e. a centripetal force, which is given by the following equation:

The force from the tyres is not balancing the centripetal force. It is providing the required centripetal force of 2813 N horizontally to allow the car to negotiate the curve. Thus, a correct statement would be "the friction between the tyres and the road is providing a constant net centripetal force of 2810 N (horizontally to the centre of the circle), enabling the car to travel around the roundabout as described".
I hope this helps!