This has been the most awesome month and a half ever. Seriously, i always watched the year 12's trudge to exams and i was like, wow - HSC would suck, that's going to be some hard shit, but really it was okay.
I swear i went to more parties, saw my friends more often, swam more and blew more cash on going out then i have all year.
the exams were not stressful, that's the best bit. However, I do give full credit for the relaxed and comfortable vibe in that room to the carpet on the floor. Whoever the genius that put carpet down on the wooden floor was, they are solely responsible for my happiness. It should be complusory. How did it change the atmosphere so much? I have no idea. But i love it.
Wow, how did this degenerate into a post on the wondrous magical properties of carpet? I doesn't matter, it rocks.
Thankyou carpet for making my exams enjoyable.
Edit: Hey, do you think they'll let me keep a bit of it? No, maybe that's going too far.