Any ideas where i can go with this piece? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys
i was wondering if anyone could help me with my monologue .......
last year i found an exerpt from a play called "catholic skools girls"
by Casey Kurtii, it is a yr 2 student showing kindergarten kids around
the church ... i like the use of gimmicks in it such as when jesus's
name is spoken everyone must bow their head, & i was thinking to use
that as well breaking the 4th wall by yelling at a member of the
audience for not doing this.... i will not be using this script at all
as the character i wish to create is a nun..... a nun with very un-nun like
characteristics, such as being blasphemous for example.... i want to
incorporate an opening scene perhaps with the character doing something
or singing a very non-nun song!and then piece by piece i put on the
nuns habit n the traits of this former character disappear......
i then become the nun but everynow n then the other character comes
out maybe by using god's name in vain or something of the sort....
i did some research on nun characters in mvoies n found an interview
with Dolores Hart who was Elvis Presley's first on-screen kiss who
then disappeared from hollywood for 40 yrs ..... it was then found out
that she had joined a convent... so i was maybe thinking of using this
as a sort of stimulis for the spilt - character.. i also wanted to
incorporate a prayer & end the piece with God Bless u all.... the only
problem is i don't know where to start n how to use of these ideas
to put this charcter in a situation... i want it to be a comical &
enjoyable piece to watch with a audience participation so please if
anyone has any ideas or any comments about the idea or perhaps
the reactions the judges might have to a piece such as this reply
tHANKS Vanessa:confused:


about to explode
Jan 21, 2004
where the grass is greener
well, here's two options...
in relation to the actual story....
1. you could be the nun in her present form- ie. after all the changes and her trnasformation, etc- retelling the story...
or 2. actually act out the character as she was... and slowly transforming the nun character right before the audience.
both have their pros and cons.... ii havent really thought bout this much so sorry for the well- duh- really obvious options... these were just the first two things which came to my head... WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY PRESENTING the audience....
the story sounds alright.. i mean, its different, and i can imagine it working, but you never know till you perform.... hey, maybe you should watch the sister act movies again... maybe they will give yousome inspiration!...
hey, i tried.. my brain's just a little dead now, lol... sorry

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